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sparse arrayの例文


  • A sparse array as a linked list contains nodes linked to each other.
  • This is sometimes used in a sparse array.
  • This is an iterator function for traversing a sparse array " t ".
  • Arrays are implemented so that only the defined elements use memory; they are " sparse arrays ".
  • There was an instruction cache only, since it was felt that a data cache would be inefficient on sparse array operations.
  • For large arrays where many of the elements are zero ( for example ) you might benefit from using sparse array techniques.
  • Attribute values can be ordered sets of composite components, character large objects ( CLOB's ), binary large objects ( BLOB's ), or unlimited sparse arrays.
  • The other reasons being Rexx's ( decimal ) arbitrary precision arithmetic ( including fuzzy comparisons ), use of the PARSE statement with programmatic templates, stemmed arrays, and sparse arrays .-->
  • In the case of a two-dimensional sparse array, each node contains a row index, a column index ( which together give its position ), a value at that position and a pointer to the next node.
  • By the last quarter of the 20th century, computational capacity had grown so far that up to tens of thousands of individuals or more could be included in microscale models, and that sparse arrays could be applied to also achieve high performance.
  • In a one-dimensional sparse array, each node includes the non-zero element's " index " ( position ), the element's " value ", and a node pointer " next " ( for linking to the next node ).
  • For instance, given a large array A ( 100, 100 ) of mostly-zero values, a sparse array representation that was declared as SA ( 100, 0 ) could have each row resized to have exactly enough elements to hold only the non-zero values of A along that row.
  • Solidscan'converts a laser scan into a solid, photo-realistic representation of the real world .'Solidscan's technology significantly improves the visual quality of laser scanner data ( which typically appears as a sparse array of points ) while still keeping the dimensions of objects true-to-life.
  • InfinityDB is a multi-model Java embedded DBMS that upgrades DB's incrementally and has a very simple low-level API . Data structures supported are schemaless and flexible, including relational, EAV triples, ER, Key / Value with set values, text index, trees, DAGs, taxonomies, graphs, ordered sets, large sparse arrays, BLOB's / CLOB's and mixed or custom.